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- Lateinamerika
Igor Mendes, son of the Brazilian people, fighter of the international proletariat, is not alone!
Everyone who reads or watches any media today will see that the world is in turmoil. Everywhere the foundations of the “world order established after the Second World War” is tumbling. All the promises of the bright future in this imperialist system have dusted away due to the heat of the class struggle of the proletariat and the struggles of the peoples of the world.
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- Lateinamerika
Note of repudiation and call to struggle
We publish this inofficial translation of a declaration of CEBRASPO regarding the sentence against 23 activists of the protests in Rio in 2013:
- This note is signed by 13 of the 23 activists convicted of the protests in Rio -
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- Lateinamerika
Young peasant is murdered by landlord´s gunmen in Rondonia*
The young peasant Lucas Lima Batista, 21 years old, who was in the struggle for a piece of land in the Revolutionary Area Jhone Santos, was found dead near the Revolutionary Area, located in the municipality of Vilhena, Rondonia state.
In a note, the Poor Peasants League (LCP) highlight that Lucas, who was born in the municipality of Jaru, Rondonia, was a son of the people who joined the struggle for land unemployed and dreaming with a piece of land to be able to live with dignity.
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- Dokumente
Chronicle: the Celebration for the 200 years of Karl Marx
We publish the english translation of the article which was published on A Nova Democracia website about the celebration for the 200 years of Karl Marx.
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- Dokumente
Important statement of the CPB (RF) points targets on the two lines struggle in the ICM. An article of comrade Miguel Alonso
We publish the english translation of the statement of comrade Miguel Alonso originally published on Dazibao Rojo.
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- Dokumente
200 Years: Message of the Poor Peasants League and the People’s Women Movement
Following we document the transcription of the video greetings of the Poor Peasants League from Brazil as well as the People’s Women Movement that was shown at the celebration.
Greetings sent by the meeting of the National Committee of the Leagues of Poor Peasants of Brazil
The National Committee for the Leagues of Poor Peasants of Brazil greet warmly the founder of communism, master and first great jefatura of the international proletariat, Karl Marx. We send classist, combative and revolutionary greetings to this great international event and also pay our honor to the Maoist’s Parties and Organizations that worked for its realization and to all the internationalist comrades present.
The peasant women of the Women’s Popular Movement are present and united to the internationalist comrades in this great celebration. We are strongly united to our class men in all fight fronts for the Democratic, Agrarian and Anti-imperialist revolution, the New Democracy in our country and serving the World Revolution.
Long live the 200 years of the great Karl Marx!
Proletarians of all countries, unite!
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- Dokumente
200 Years: Message of the Red Front Collective
In the following, we document the english translation of the message of the comrades of the Red Front Collective from Austria send to the celebration.
Proletarians of all countries, unite!
Long live Proletarian Dictatorship!
Hold high the teachings of great Karl Marx!
We salute with great enthusiasm the successful international celebration on occasion of the 200th birthday of the great Karl Marx! Specially we want to thank the organisation committee, which took up the effort and the exertions in the spirit of proletarian internationalism to give the possibility for turning this day into a wonderful celebration of the communists and revolutionaries from different countries of the world!
In May 1818, this year 200 years ago, the titan of the proletariat, the father of scientific socialism, the great Karl Marx was born! We want to honor this protagonist of the world proletariat and hold up high his mighty red banner!
As son of an forced converted Jewish lawyer, Karl Marx experienced since his childhood the oppression by the reaction of feudal Germany and by the young bourgeoisie as well. The rising capitalism, the spreading revolutionary and democratic movements and the upcoming modern proletariat, spurred the young Karl Marx in his struggle against a world full of exploitation, perfidy, misery and oppression. Karl Marx realised quickly, that it are the masses, whose struggle carries forward history. Not by accident he addressed important parts of his early work just those lowest and broadest masses, which had to „thieve“ the wood out of the forest, belonging to the princes and aristocracy, to not freeze to death during winter. Further it was no one less than Karl Marx, who achieved as young revolutionary the first scientific, materialist document against antisemitism.
Already in 1843, so with just 25 years, he had to go in exile because of the persecution by the reaction, in which he had to live for 40 years, until his death with 65 years. In exile he got together again with other persecuted and hunted revolutionaries, he joined with all of his strength the struggles of the most forwarded forces of his time and took actively part in the debates about the way of the revolutionary movement this time. In this struggles and debates an livelong consisting relationship with Friedrich Engels as comrades in arms was forged. Persecuted and defamed, the giant Karl Marx was flagellated by sickness, poverty and misery, here we want to remind, that for example only three of his seven children reached an grownup age. But the titan Karl Marx accepted all of it for developing and forward his work in the duty of the world proletariat. The main part of his works, examples like from the „Holy Family“ to the „German Ideology“ and the „Manifesto of the Communist Party“ up to the „Capital“ will be sufficient here, emerged under this hard conditions in Paris, Brussels and London. Although not all conditions for the historical determinant victory of the proletariat matured in the Epoch of rising capitalism, mighty Karl Marx was always an leading participant in the political struggles of his time. Thusly he founded 1846 in Brussels the Communist Corresponding-Committee, with what he aimed to assembly the revolutionary proletariat in Europe. He developed an active international work, answered question from workers of different countries, drew up directives and instructions in form of circular letters and showed unendingly patience and strength for imposing an proletarian class standpoint within the revolutionary circles in that time and to lead it to victory. Still in the same year the great Karl Marx and his loyal companion Friedrich Engels got members of the „League of the Just“, which developed threw their insistent work and formed into the „Communist League“. Here the mighty slogan „Proletarians of all countries, unite!“ got put on the eternal victorious red banner, which lead the communists until today.
Despising reconciliation, liberalism and sectarianism, bourgeois and petty bourgeois socialism, Karl Marx as first classic, led an epic struggle and formed in it the historically first form of the Communist Party. Armed with a programm, the document of the birth of communism, the „Manifesto of the Communist Party“, no one other than Karl Marx in person, founded based on these struggles with the First International Workers Association also the First International. Its short existence for only nine years does not reduce its historical greatness, if we see, which glorious place the great proletarian leader Karl Marx gave to it in the international arena of class struggle, how wise he navigated it in the storms of the Paris Commune, what broad analyses and revolutionary synthesis he concluded from the Commune and with that finally imposed the doctrine of Proletarian Dictatorship in the ranks of the communists. Inseparably linked with that was for Karl Marx always the struggle for unleashing the revolutionary violence as only consequent answer to the reaction, this is why he taught the proletariat, that only threw the revolutionary civil war it will gain the abilities for the use, leadership and exertion of the political power: „15, 20, 50 years of civil wars and peoples wars lie ahead of you, not only for changing the existing conditions, but also for changing yourselves and to make you capable for political rule.“
Karl Marx gave the proletariat its scientific world view, he teaches us in his eternal work the endless willingness to make sacrifices for the world proletariat, he teach us the need of the Party and the International, he guides us the way for practicing socialism scientifically and to always, in every question, hold tight the proletarian standpoint and marching forward to the proletarian dictatorship threw revolutionary civil war, today peoples war.
How true the teachings of Karl Marx are, was proven in the 20th century with the Great Socialist October Revolution and the Sowjet Union under the leadership of Lenin and Stalin, with the Chinese Revolution and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution under the leadership of chairmen Mao Zedong and is proven today by the peoples wars as the strategic axis of the Proletarian World Revolution.
200 years ago Karl Marx was born! His work, like the teachings of the Paris Commune, „are eternally burning in the heart of the proletariat“. The world proletariat will finally march forward to the classless and nationless society, to communism. Even though the mighty Karl Marx developed his teaching in the epoch of rising capitalism, his teaching are alive in the current epoch on the third, highest and last stage, on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism, therefore is determinant for the proletarian way until communism, the emancipation of humanity. Hence the banner of Karl Marx is waving mighty and uncompromising. Hence the titan Karl Marx lives on also 200 years after is birth in the struggles of the proletariat in the whole world!
Celebrate the birth of the glorious, great Karl Marx!
Hold high the teaching of the first leader of the wold proleatiat, of mighty Karl Marx!
Long live the Communist Party and the International!
Eternal glory to the victorious Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!
Red Front Collective, Austria
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- Asien
India: Modicare is a farce to disguise the oppression
The Indian Government plans to introduce a health-reform, the “National Health Protection Scheme” (NHPS) that is commonly called “Modicare”, named after its Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The program was inspired by the health care program of the former US-President Obama, which also became known with regard to his inventor. And just as “Obamacare” was just a big PR coup and not a bit of serious health care for the masses, "Modicare" joins as an image booster as well.
“Modicare” promises 500 million Indians access to health insurance for the first time in their lives, making it the biggest health care project ever attempted. At the moment, 70 Million Indians go deep into debt and are facing huge poverty every year because they can’t afford the necessary doctor visits and medication and have to finance nearly all health expenditure by themselves. The few benefits paid by the old state are completely overrun, and therefore no safe way to get medical aid. And now Modi promises is to end this rotten, non-existent “health care system” by providing 100 million poor families (five persons per household) with health care insurance, including a cost protection up to half a million rupees (c.a 6.200€).
He is by far not the first one who says he is going to change the health care situation in India. Since 2008 the previous governments have announced to make steps towards this, but nothing ever changed for the people. Although India is one of the 20 biggest economies in the world it only invests one percent of its gross domestic product in health care. Because of this – and because health is a profitable business for the capitalists – millions of Indians have treatable diseases which aren’t cured yet – not only due to the individual inability to pay for treatment but also because of the illiquidity of the hospitals. The brutality of the effects of this becomes particularly obvious considering the death of 60 children during 5 days at the university hospital of Gorakhpur last year. They died because the hospital lacked oxygen that was necessary for their treatment. The supplier of oxygen stopped providing it due to an unpaid debt (what the government of course tried to deny). This led to massive protests of the masses who realized that it depends on how much money you’ve got in your pockets if you are allowed to live or not. And Modi won’t and doesn’t want to change this fact with his reform. Even if the government would really provide health care for half a billion people, many central problems of the people won’t be solved. Millions of them would still have to travel long distances (sometimes several hundred kilometers) to the next hospital, especially in the rural areas. Also there only come 0,8 hospital beds to 1000 inhabitants, which in addition leads to a shortage of medical care. Moreover, it’s certainly no coincidence that wealthier, urban areas are resisting the implementation of “Modicare”, as health insurance for the bourgeoisie is much better (and more comprehensive) already since it excludes the broad masses.
There are two reasons why Modi has announced this reform this year. Obviously, he and his Hindu-Nationalist party Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) want to win the upcoming elections in May 2019 and aim for a second period in office. This is the principal reason. Also this is a part of the campaign against the People’s War in India. The old state is demonstrating that “they care for everyone” and want to look like they would be able to solve the problems. They know about the contradictions their system comes with and feel the need to disguise these. That’s how bourgeois elections always work. Before the election they promise everything that sounds good. After the election they do what they want and only act in their interest and in the interests of the imperialist bourgeoisie that really rules the country. The people are forgotten again.
While Modi pretends to care for the people, the ones who actually care for the needs of the people and want to solve their problems are facing brutal repression of the old state. The leaders, militants and masses of the CPI (Maoist) are fought with all cruelty. The Indian people know that the old Indian state is carrying out a war against them, branding them as “terrorists”. They are imprisoned, tortured and massacred by the old state. They know that the only way to solve their problems can’t be approached through any bourgeois health care program. They know that the only way is People’s War and the defeat of imperialism.