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- Dokumente
Learn from Chairman Gonzalo
On the occasion of the 38th anniversary of the launching of the People's War in Peru, we raise the slogan "Learn from Chairman Gonzalo".
For this we publish an unnofficial translation of the excerpt from the unitary basis of the Communist Party of Peru:
The six aspects of the construction of the Party. The ideological construction. Militancy is forged in the base of party unity the Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought, principally Gonzalo Thought; we say Marxism-Leninism-Maoism because it is the universal ideology of the proletariat, the last class of history, an ideology that must be applied to the concrete conditions of each revolution and generate its guiding thought, in our case, the Peruvian revolution has generated Gonzalo thought because Chairman Gonzalo is the highest expression of the fusion of universal ideology with the concrete practice of the Peruvian revolution.
The political construction. Militancy is forged in Program and Statutes; general political line and military line as the center, specific lines; general policy, specific policies; and, military plans of the Party. Politics should always be in charge and it is our strong point.
The organizational construction. The organiozational follows the political and taking into account that only the line is not enough simultaneously one have to assemble the organizational instruments taking the organizational structure, the organizational system and party work into account. Organizational structure, the Party is based on democratic centralism, principally on centralism; Two armed party networks are established, the territorial network that encompasses a jurisdiction and the mobile network whose structure is displaced. Organizational system is the distribution of forces depending on the principal and secondary points where revolution acts. Party work is the relationship between secret work that is principal and open work; importance of the five needs: democratic centralism, clandestinity, discipline, vigilance and secrecy, particularly democratic centralism.
The leadership. We are fully aware that no class has ever succeeded in establishing its dominance if it has not promoted its political leaders, its vanguard representatives, capable of organizing and leading the movement; and the Peruvian proletariat in the midst of the class struggle has generated the leadership of the revolution and its highest expression: the Great Leadership of Chairman Gonzalo who manages the revolutionary theory, has a knowledge of history and a deep understanding of the practical movement; who in hard two lines struggle has defeated revisionism, the right and left liquidationism, the right opportunist line and the rightism; he has reconstituted the Party, he leads it in the People's War and has become the greatest living Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, great political and military strategist, philosopher; master of communists, center of party unification. The reaction has two principles to destroy the revolution: annihilate leadership and isolate the guerrillas from the masses, but in synthesis their problem is to annihilate the leadership because it is what allows to maintain the course and materialize it. Our Party has defined that leadership is key and it is the obligation of all militants to constantly strive to defend and preserve the leadership of the Party and especially the leadership of Chairman Gonzalo, our Great Leaderhip, against any attack inside and outside the Party and subject ourselves to its leadership and personal command raising the slogans of 'Learn from Chairman Gonzalo' and 'Embody the Gonzalo Thought'.
We base ourselves on collective leadership and one-man leadership and we take into account the role of the leaders and how, through the People's War, in the midst of the renewal of leadership, the leadership of the revolution is curdling and tempering. We maintain the principle that the command never dies. The Marxist-Leninist-Maoists, Gonzalo Thought, we subject ourselves to Chairman Gonzalo and we embody the Gonzalo Thought.
Two lines struggle. The Party is a contradiction where the class struggle is expressed as a two-line struggle between left and right. The two lines struggle is what impulses the development of the Party, its right and correct handling derives from the left imposing itself. We combat conciliation because it nurses the right; and the principle of criticism and self-criticism, all, militants, cadres, leaders must practice it, combatants and masses too, assuming the philosophy of the struggle and going against the current, bearing in mind that the Central Committee is the vortex of the storm , then, there is expressed the sharpest class conflict. The just and correct handling that Chairman Gonzalo makes of the two-line struggle has served to maintain the unity of the Party and develop the people's war; In general, it has revisionism as the main danger, although in the Party it continues to develop against the right criteria, opinions, attitudes and positions, as a struggle within the people. It is necessary to organize the struggle of two lines to impose the Party line, through a plan to develop it in an organized manner.
Mass Work. We apply the principle of: 'The masses make history'. The Party leads the mass struggle serving the Power that is the principal demand; we develop the mass work in and for the People's War based on the basic masses, mainly poor workers and peasants, on the petty bourgeoisie and neutralize or win the middle bourgeoisie according to the conditions. We are subject to the law of incorporation of the masses and to the only Marxist tactic of "going deep and deepest", educating them in revolutionary violence and in the relentless struggle against revisionism. The mass work of the Party is done through the Army and mobilizes, politicizes, organizes and arms the masses in new Power in the field and in the Revolutionary Movement for the Defense of the People in cities.
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- Lateinamerika
Brazil - The farce of the ”Militia” arrest
A few days after the announcement claiming the participation of the so-called “Militias“ in the murder of Marielle Franco, the civil police invaded a pagode show promoted by the militia in Santa Cruz, metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro, killing 4 security and arresting 159 people.
The action was coordinated by 3 different levels of the civil police, including special forces.
They invaded the event, shooting and killing the 4 security of the event. Everyone who was inside were impeded from leaving the area, arrested and brought to Bangu Prison Complex. Raul Jungmann, the Public Security Minister, in the attempt to promote the action, declared it was a hard blow against the Militia and everyone who was arrested had involvement with the organized crime.
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- Europa
G20 Witch Hunt extended
The reply to the information request made by the "Linksfraktion" in the German Federal Parliament clarifies, that a wanted list with images of 24 alleged culprits was send on the 13th of April "to selected European countries by the State Office of Criminal Investigations Hamburg". Among these are the "Guardia Civil Counter Terrorism Unit" in Spain, the "State Security Division" in Greece and the "SO15 Counter Terrorism Command" in Great Britain. Furthermore, another press conference of Hamburgs Police is scheduled to take place tomorrow, in which new photos of protesters are to be published.
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- Asien
Psychological Warfare against the People’s War in India
The Indian state tries everything to defeat the People’s War led by the CPI (Maoist). They have their army with their special forces, they established “Operation Green Hunt”, they adopted the „Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act“, and they’ve got money. They’ve got the whole power of their old state, of the military and of the police on their side and yet they aren’t anywhere near to crush the justified rebellion of the Indian people. To intensify the war against the People’s War they came up with strategies of psychological warfare. The aim is trying to undermine the moral of the comrades and separating them from the masses. The main activity in this context is, as always in the campaigns of reactionary forces worldwide, to spread lies. Many of them. Claiming that they had killed thousands of comrades, claiming every day there would be surrenders, claiming the comrades would kill innocent Adivasi (indigenous people) in the most brutal ways and so on and so forth.
Another part of this desperate attempt of crushing the People’s War is to bribe the comrades. The Indian state plans an amnesty-cum-rehabilitation scheme for Maoists who are willing to surrender. They promise an amount of money depending on their position in the CPI (Maoist):
„Top leaders, who come under the first category, will be eligible for ₹5 lakh each and those coming under categories two and three will be eligible for ₹3 lakh each when they surrender.„
Also they say that:
„A lump-sum amount will be given for pursuing education, marriage, and skill training. A sum of ₹15,000 will be given to those who want to pursue education, ₹25,000 for marriage, and ₹10,000 for skill training up to three months.
Those who surrender weapons will be eligible for a special rate. Those surrendering AK 47 will get ₹25,000. The government will consider including those surrendering in one of its housing schemes if they do not own a house.“
This bribe proves, that the Indian state has understood nothing of the ideology of the international proletariat, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism. No comrade, willing to die in the People's War, no comrade, who has understood that the problems of the masses can’t be solved by the old state, but only by the Party and its fight against imperialism on a world scale, would choose the cowardly way of corruption. And that is why in the future the Indian state will have no choice but continue to invent lies. Lies about comrades, who could be bribed. But the masses aren’t as stupid as they think. They will see through the government’s lies and join the struggle sooner or later.
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- 200 Jahre Karl Marx
Actions on the 5th of May
In an internationally coordinated action, flags with Hammer and Sickle were put up on the 5th of May in various cities of the FRG. On the 5th of May 200 years ago Karl Marx was born and hence flags were hoisted not only in the FRG but revolutionary organizations from different countries on this day hoisted flags in the streets and places of the working class neighborhoods. Here, apart from actions in Weimar, Bremen, Berlin and Hamburg, actions were also made in Karl Marx City of Birth, Trier. Regarding the latter, a video has already been published. Also, videos and pictures were already published regarding the great actions that took place in Brazil (Video + Pictures) and in Austria (Report + Photos, Report by Partizan). In Sweden, on the 5th, comrades put up the banner of the 200 Years Campaign in Stockholm (Pictures) and, as posters in four different languages, on the walls in the proletarian neighborhoods. Among others, also the comrades from Finland contributed by publishing the Finnish translation (Translation) of the 200 Years Karl Marx declaration on occasion of the Birthday. Following we document Photos of some actions that took place in the FRG and that we have received pictures about:
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- 200 Jahre Karl Marx
Overview of the First of May 2018
This First of May was impressed by the campaign for the 200th birthday of Karl Marx. In Ecuador, on a big demonstration, a banner with the logo of the campaign was hoisted and leaflets spread. Update: Fotos from the FRG added.
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Statement from the Ruhr regarding the Right Liquidationism
Hamburg, Bremen, Berlin and some other cities in the FRG are known to be bastions of the proletarian revolutionaries. The recent developments express an advance to the east and the south. But one corner of the west in this rotten German state on the Ruhr now plays a decisive role in the struggle between Hoxhaism and Maoism. The young proletariat of the Ruhr-Area raises the flag of Maoism and not only adopts the criticism on the Right Liquidationism but also deepens the criticism. We observe, that no matter what happens to us, there are comrades who will remain. As the Authors Collective behind we salute the firmness and persistence of the comrades. The following is a documentation of an inofficial translation of andeclaration made by the Rote Ruhe Crew [highlights made by us]:
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- 200 Jahre Karl Marx
Actions for the 200th Birthday of Karl Marx in Brazil
We document this video of actions that were done on the 5th of May 2018 in Brazil: