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- Lateinamerika
Rio de Janeiro - Reactionary Civil War
The genocide Brazilian state already shows how the reactionary civil war against the poor people is sharpening in 2018. 380 shootings were registered, being 36 shootings only in Cidade de Deus (God City) favela from January 1st to 31st in Rio de Janeiro state. A protest took place in January 31st after the police came at 7 in the morning and killed 3 people, the protesting people resisted making barricades, burning tires in the road and throwing stones and fireworks against the repression forces.
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- Europa
Lighting demonstration on anniversary of the workers’ revolution in Finland
Following the events of the Great Socialist October Revolution the finnish proletariat, starting on the 27th January of 1918, made a decisive grab for power, confronting the class enemy in force. On the 100th anniversary of this heroic attempt to free the finnish proletariat from it’s shakes, comrades in Finland's town of Tampere organized a lighting demonstration to celebrate it and rally new forces to the struggle.
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- Lateinamerika
The EPL under the absolute leadership of the PCP is committed to continue struggling together and united with the people
We publish this english translation of a message from the EPL:
Revolutionary greetings, as the struggle of the Peruvian people has been increased in quantity and quality, becoming more intense and fierce, a lesson in the very heat of the class struggle and the increase is gradual, the People's War and the PCP impressed in these 38 years of combative and avant-garde experience of the World Proletarian Revolution, today the need and demand in Peru is greater, it commits us to the peasantry and the broad masses of neighbourhoods, with the deepest and broadest masses, they are the arena of contention against the old Peruvian state, a paper tiger to the bone and its genocidal armed forces expert in defeats, its repressive police forces that are the support of its old order of exploitation and oppression.
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- Lateinamerika
Peru: successful realisation of the macro regional convention of the central SUTEP
We publish a translation of a message of a classist teacher from Peru:
As the I. macro regional Convention of the Centre was successful, a resounding success, because the class positions were imposed and unmasked and crushed black positions of the new revisionism, the LOD (Movadef) and the LOL (left liquidationism) infiltrated in the teaching post, the glorious name of the SUTEP and the Indefinite National Strike of 2017 were defended, all its achievement and progress and a brief balance was done, the FENATEP of CASTILLO Terrones was denounced; which only traffics, is promoted and takes pictures greeting as a candidate for the upcoming elections of the old rotten and genocidal system.
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- Asien
Recent actions of the CPI (Maoist)
The CPI (Maoist) calls a bandh in Telangana, starting today on February 5, to "fight the fascist repression" of the state of India, as they announced. Because of the announcement a few days ago, the police has intensified their presence and security measures in the district by installing surveillance devices like mobile phone towers and sending extra forces to the area. However, the Maoists were and are well-prepared. For example, the PLGA (People's Liberation Guerilla Army) has, as The Hindu reports, damaged roads and a bridge as well as the comrades secured their strongholds with trenches and blockades of trees.
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- Nordamerika
PCR Canada publishes ISKRA
The Revolutionary Communist Party of Canada (PCR-RCP) published a new magazine. We translate parts of the declaration to its initiation, to support this important contribution in the struggle against the Canadian opportunists:
ISKRA is the new journal of the Revolutionary Communist Party / Parti communiste révolutionnaire (PCR-RCP). It is constituted as the central organ of the party, as a great center of relay and diffusion for all of its slogans, analyzes, polemics and political battles. ISKRA will be the main propaganda tool of the reconstruction period of our party and one of the key hotspots of our deployment in the coming years.
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- Lateinamerika
Brazil - Pau D’Arco Resists
Since the massacre of Pau D’Arco in June 2017, the peasants in Jane Júlia settlement – in part of the Santa Lúcia farm, where the massacre took place – continue to resist bravely, despite the terror made by the landlords (threats, attacks, murders and provocations), overcoming debilities and advancing in the production and organization of the area.
After 7 months making empty promises to the peasant families, in December 21 the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (Incra) was forced to accept buying the lands of the farm – retaken by the peasants in June 13 with the support of the Poor Peasants League of the South of Pará and Tocantins – to regularize the ownership for the families during a meeting of the Incra Regional Decision Committee, this was a result of the vigorous mobilizations of the peasants made during all this time.
The meeting took place in the same place of the historical Peasant Meeting of the South of Pará in October 28 and 29 2017, where peasants from the region, indigenous and quilombola representatives, Brazilian Association of People’s Lawyers (Abrapo) Brazilian Center of Solidarity to the Peoples (Cebraspo) representatives and other regional and national movements to reaffirm in the path of struggle for the land in the region. The Poor Peasants League and the New Victory Association of Jane Júlia Settlement were there to denounce that the old State was not giving anything, that this decision was a result of the struggle and demanded justice against the release of 15 police officers charged of participating in the massacre. Many banners and flags of the League were filling the meeting place, as well as the image of the 11 murdered peasants.
Peasant Meeting in Pau D’Arco, October 28 2017
The Massacre of Pau D’Arco generated a contradiction among the members of the judiciary and the Public Ministry, due to the negative repercussion after the release of the preventive arrest of the 15 police officers the president of the Superior Justice Court (STJ) decided for the return of 8 police officers to preventive arrest, alleging their release threatened the public order and the judicial process of the massacre at the same time the Regional Justice Court of Para had conceded freedom alleging the inquiry was already done. In July the judge of Redenção court decreed the preventive arrest of 13 police officers involved in the massacre and less than a month after the substitute judge of the same court suspended the preventive arrest, releasing them. In September 26, 15 police officers were preventive arrested because of the involvement in the massacre and denounced with homicide, homicide attempt, torture, crime association and fraud. 17 police officers out of the 29 who participated in Pau D’Arco massacre were denounced by the Public Ministry, even though the release of the officers ignores intentionally the large quantity of evidences and testimonies, the investigations do not try to find the ones who sent them. The judiciary and its members are fundamental to consolidate and maintain the latifundium class interests and the people should never nourish illusions about them.
The peasants will keep struggling against the wave of ownership repossessions through the country, advancing in the production and organization relying on their own forces. This is the path of struggle the peasants are taking in Brazil, “conquer the land! destroy latifundium!”, and each time more peasants are being incorporated in quantity and quality for the Agrarian Revolution.
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- Lateinamerika
Report of the national strike on January 31 in Oaxaca
We publish this english translation of the declaration of the Current of the People Red Sun Oaxaca:
On January 31, within the framework of the National Strike called by the National Coordinator of Education Workers (Coordinadora Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación – CNTE), the independent trade unions and various popular organizations of Oaxaca took to the streets together to express our rejection of anti-popular policies of the regime and its counter-reforms.
The contingent has been headed by the unions affiliated to the Unifying Front of Oaxaca and National Independent Trade Unions (Frente Unificador de Sindicatos Independientes Oaxaqueños y Nacionales – FUSION), from where the defence of the Collective Labour Contract of the STEUABJO comrades and the defence of the source of work of the workers has been supported by the different unions of the Health Sector.