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- Asien
Maoist actions in February
The Indian Home Minister Ramsewak Paikra was lately accused of not fighting successfully enough against the Maoists by his opposition. To keep his face, he revealed the numbers of killed, arrested and surrendered comrades and of confiscated weapons and landmines of the past two years. Those numbers - published by the “Times of India” - would proof that the governmental “Anti-Naxal operations and policies” could decline the Maoists activities in several areas. Unfortunately, losses and setbacks are an inevitable reality of war. But Paikra is only trying to irritate the people – and of course he wants to stay in office. Reality, on the other hand, speaks another language than Paikra, who almost certainly palliated his numbers. Especially when it comes to “surrendered” comrades the bourgeois press has published fake numbers repeatedly and had to admit that later on. And the “Times of India” itself (as well as other bourgeois periodicals) underlines the continuing success of the Maoists by publishing news on Maoist activities weekly. Those listed beneath are only a few examples of five days.
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- Lateinamerika
Celebrate the 170 years of the Manifesto of the Communist Party
We publish a not revised english translation of the document posted on the blog
Celebrate the 170 years of the Manifesto of the Communist Party
Centre for Studies of the marxism-leninism-maoism
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- Lateinamerika
Combative demonstration on the 5th anniversary of the murder of trade-union activist in Chile
Five years ago – on the 21th of February 2013 - Juan Pablo Jiménez, himself a trade-union activist, was shot dead on his way to work at the electrical engineering company Azeta. Soon after, protests started as the police investigations seemingly went nowhere. In the end, the police produced some 16 year old gunslinger who supposedly shot dead Jiménez from a distance of 1035 meters with a 9mm handgun. A bogus story never believed by his friends, family and activists as he was due to take part in a meeting denouncing the companies anti trade-union practices the very day after he was murdered. Commemorating him and demanding justice, a combative demonstration was held last week.
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- Lateinamerika
Mobilization in defense of workers rights in Medellin
In a massive mobilization activity comrades from Columbia took to the streets of Medellin on the 9th of February. The short marches and combative speech, slogans and songs held by the activists addressing the issues of the broadest and deepest masses soon drew in a big crowd. Combating the cutbacks in the lives of the rural and urban workers, the comrades mobilized in defense of the basic workers rights, such as the raising of wages, the reduction of the costs for daily living and cheaper public transportation.
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- Dokumente
Unleash the wrath of the women as a mighty weapon for the revolution
Proletarians of all countries, unite!
Joint declaration of the Red Women Committees in Austria and the FRG:
Unleash the wrath of the women as a mighty weapon for the revolution!
Shoulder to Shoulder, united in the struggle of the revolutionary women in all the world, the Red Women Committees in Austria and the FRG call on the combative women to make this 8th of March a joyful and decisive day of struggle of the women in the heart of the imperialist beast. This struggle is closely connected to the struggle in the storm centers of the world revolution, the oppressed nations. Spurning the hypocritical crocodile tears and promises of the rulers and combating the double exploitation and oppression, women take their place side by side with their class comrades in struggle for political power, for the dictatorship of the proletariat, for the emancipation of the whole humankind.
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- Europa
TKP/ML Trial: arrest warrants against four accused dropped
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- Europa
The spring school campaign starts in Sweden
Comrades in Stockholm announce to spread thousands of leaflets at the beginnig of school after winter regarding the topics "Down with Imperialism!", "Stop pinch!", "Increase student grants!" and "The school lies about Sweden!".
We publish an inofficial translation of the first leaflet:
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- Asien
Duterte Vagina
Bourgeois politicians are the enemies of the revolutionary women worldwide!
The disgusting reactionary ideology of the President of the Philippines, Duterte, has revealed itself again. Last week, he ordered his soldiers to shoot female communists into the vaginas.