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- Proletarischer Feminismus
First images of the 8th of March
In the FRG the Red Women Committees and other comrades have developed powerful actions in many cities such as Hamburg, Berlin and Bremen. In Weimar approximately 40 comrades participated in a presentation on proletarian Feminism. Also in Bremen and Berlin there have been similar events prior to the 8th of March in order to mobilize. Already, comrades have sent us various images and photos of actions, from which we want document a few before we report more extensively on the 8th of March activities that took place in the FRG.
Down with Imperialism and Patriarchate!
Painting in Berlin:
Mobilization event in Bremen:
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- Lateinamerika
New website of the MFP launched
Moving forward in politicizing and organizing women in all parts of Brazil, the Popular Women’s Movement (Movimento Feminino Popular – MFP) on occasion of this year’s 8th of March published two new tools broadening their agitation and propaganda. Alongside a new bulletin a whole new website for the MFP was launched, presenting not only recent activities, actions and reports but also explaining the principals and goals of the MFP and giving a brief overview on the history of the MFP in Brazil.
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- Lateinamerika
Brazil - Social Security Counterreform
The social security counterreform sanctioned by the shift manager Temer which went into effect since November 11, 2017. Despite some adaptations and changes, this is the biggest attack on the labor rights in recent history.
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- Europa
Presentation of the TKP/ML-Trials by three of the accused
On the 19th of February, Munich’s high court dropped the arrest warrants for four of those revolutionaries who stand accused in what came to be known as the “TKP/ML-Trials”. Presenting the current situation of the trials and speaking about their time behind bars, three of those recently released comrades participated in a celebrative and informative meeting organized by Partisan.
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- Nordamerika
Sweep the Mountains and Assault the Skies—March 8, International Working Women’s Day
We publish this declaration of the Red Guards Austion for the 8th of March:
Sweep the Mountains and Assault the Skies—March 8, International Working Women’s Day
Your blood is a beautiful torrent
That has watered our revolution
With a firm oath of class,
The commitment of a red fighter,
Conquering power until Communism.
“Hymn to Comrade Norah”
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- Lateinamerika
Peru: The youth demonstrates against the new "youth slave law"
After the bill 1215 of the Fujimorist congresswoman Rosa Bartra was approved, students carried out a march against the so-called "youth slave law". The law would allow companies to hire students of technical institutes - without paying them at all. The students should just work to obtain experience in "pre-professional internhips". Naturally, the bourgeois Congress and the capitalists ignore that a high amount of students actually have to work to pay FOR their studies in the first place.
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- Europa
Attack on Israeli consulate in Marseilles
As various sources reported yesterday, an attack against the Israeli consulate was carried out in the night from the 27th of February to the 28th of February in the french town of Marseilles. Smashing all the windows of the consulate, activists denounced the Zionist occupation of Palestine and demanded freedom for the political prisoner Georges Ibrahim Abdallah.
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- Lateinamerika
Rio de Janeiro - news on the reactionary war against the people
The decree made by the manager of the Republic of Brazil Temer in February 16 for the military intervention in Rio de Janeiro is a measure that promotes the centralization of the different repression apparatus under the command of the Armed Forces.
Walter Souza Braga Netto, general of the Military Command of the East (CML) since 2016, who was appointed as the intervener acted in the federal intervention on Espírito Santo in 2017 and also acted during the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Netto also appointed the general Richard Fernandes to be the secretary of security in order to promote centralization.
This centralization means a leap in the repression against the people in the city.
To intensify the war actions against the people the commander and General of the Army, Eduardo Villas Bôas, affirmed in a meeting of the Council of the Republic that is necessary to grant "guarantee to act without the risk of a new Commission of Truth is created".
The referred commission had represented no effective advance for the punishment of the crimes of the military regime at all; it was supposed to investigate tortures, murders and disappearing made by the Armed Forces during that time. However, despite not punishing the murderers and torturers, the Commission was inconvenient for some high-ranking officers for eliciting some of their actions.
Also he suggested that the military crimes that will be done during this intervention should only be judged by the Military Justice and also he admits the possibility of the practice crimes as barbarous as the ones perpetrated during the military regime should be admitted.
One day before de minister of Defense Raul Jungmann affirmed that Eduardo Villas Bôas foresaw the necessity of collective arrest warrants in the areas considered conflagrated, which means the military forces will have permission to invade any street, neighborhood, or whole regions.
Despite the harsh rains and floodings, the lack of electricity in many areas for long periods and the attack made by the military police in the favelas, the people are raising in revolt practically every day in many different places of the city. Only organizing this growing revolt can the people resist the attacks of the old State and create the New Power in the favelas.
People revolted after the murder iof a worker in Duque de Caxias municipality in the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro in February 21.
During the revolt in Duque de Caxias the people burnt a bus and raised a burning barricade in the street.
People revolted after a woman was shot by the police in Cantagalo favela, Rio de Janeiro January 22.