
In Sweden there is a campaign to denounce the character of the state while bourgeois elections are currently taking place on the country, as we have published before. There was an agitation in Husby - an area where there is presence of a leftish scene - the agitators denouncing that while under bourgeois rule there cannot be rights for the workers if they to not forcefully demand it, if they do not struggle. Also the Left Party were in the same place with their flyers calling for the bourgeois elections.

Since May 10th our comrade Ernesto Sernas García islost. The comrade is a proven Fighter of the People. He is the one who defended the alleged leading comrades of the Mexican revolutionary movement against the claim of „terrorism“. He is known amongst the deepest and broadest masses of the Mexican people, especially in Oaxaca, as „our defender“.

Now an international campaign which demands the presentation of the revolutionary alive. The proletarian revolutionaries in the FRG are committed to execute actions to defend our comrade.

In the followig we document a statement of the group Proletarian Autonomy regarding the fascist activities in the german City of Chemnitz this week:

Statement regarding the fascist riots in Chemnitz

On the 26th and 27th of August 2018 pogrom-like riots took place in Chemnitz, provoked mainly by fascist leaders, radical right hooligans and tolerated by the state and police.

The riots began a day after the 35 year old German Cuban Daniel H. was stabbed to death with a knife. His Facebook-Profile reveals that he had an inclination towards the left and that he was antifascist minded. With the fascists who now want to gain political capital out of his death, he had no dealings with.The exploitation of his death, despite the tragedy of the whole affair, follows the logic of the fascist leaders. In this sense, rumors arose after the Chemnitz City Festival that this dispute would have been about the harassment of women. For us, it is insignificant whether or not the alleged offenders have an immigration background.

We publish an unofficial english translation of an article that was published on A Nova Democracia.

Chinese students, activists and veteran revolutionaries held public demonstrations in support of a workers strike at Jasic Technology company in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, southern China. The company, which produces electronic welding machines and mechanical arms, carries out, along with the "authorities" of the municipality, a ferocious repression and persecution against the workers who are more engaged in the struggle to form an independent trade union. 

In the following we document the translated campaign banner for the campaign for Dr. Sernas:

As part of the International Campaign for Presenting Dr. Ernesto Sernas García Alive we forward the call for the lecture that will take place in Mexico on August 30 marking the beginning of the International Campaign. We also forward a call for the International Academic Community and publish an unnofficial translation of the "National statement for presenting Dr. Ernesto Sernas García Alive" that was published on May.

Today, August 28, the repressive apparatus of the Indian old state has made several illegal arrests of human rights activists across in Delhi, Haryana, Maharashtra and Telengana, as well as illegal raids on several activist’s houses. This grave action of the reactionary state of India must be fiercely condemned, as theyare arrests of human rights activists and defenders based on fabricated accusations. This is a clear attempt to silence the intellectuals who are taking position for the poorest peoples of India and of those denouncing the repressive actions of the state against the people.

Since 2017 reactionaries of all sorts in France gather under what they call “Bastion Social”. Closely linked to the Italian Casa Pound and supported by contacts in the Front National and other organisations, there were able to establish a number of locals through France, such as for example in Lyon, Clemon Ferrand or Marseilles. In Marseilles, antifascist militants developed a broad campaign against the opening of the "Bastion Social" local in the town they live in by breaking the windows, trashing the place with red paint and massively mobilizing the people against it.

Now antifascist and maoist militants from Clermont Ferrand also took bold action in their city: Last night, they broke into the local of "Bastion Social", trashed the place and looted at least several flags from there. In a statement published online and signed by both the Antifascist and Revolutionary Cell of Auvergne ("Cellule Anifasciste et Révolutionnaire d'Auvergne" - C.A.R.A.) and the Young Revolutionaries (“Jeunes Révolutionnaires”) the call is made to face fascism blow by blow and to develop popular self-defence. In the images accompanying the statement, four masked militants - all wearing shirts with the symbol of the C.A.R.A. - can be seen showing the banners they took from the local.

Attack on bastion social 2

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