
We publish an unnoficial english translation of the editorial of A Nova Democracia issue 215 that was recently published. It is an important article that denounces the plans of imperialism to strengthen the grasp over Latin America, by higher control of the Armed Forces of each country with the pretext and threats to invade Venezuela. At the same time, this aggression shows the fear of the Yankees towards the uprise of the people, who are increasingly organizing themselves to resist the imperialist aggression.

Ever since the arrest of revolutionary writer Varavara Rao and other intellectuals and activists, there has been a new "dirty word" in India: “Urban Naxal”. While the Communist Party of India (Maoist) is officially banned and its members and sympathizers ("Naxalites") are openly prosecuted as "terrorists" or "left-wing extremists", "Urban Naxal" has so far mainly been a battle concept of psychological warfare of the old Indian state.

We publish an english translation of the article that was published by A Nova Democracia website.

Afghan resistance advances to retake new provincial capital

Maimana, the capital of Faryab province, is on the brink to be retaken by the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (aka. the Taliban). The local pro-invasion  troops abandon the advanced military posts while the Taliban advance. The information comes from the very semicolonial "authorities" of the Afghan puppet state.

Comrades in Bremen carried out actions in a proletarian neighborhood demanding the presentation of Mexican comrade Ernesto Sernas Garcia alive.
In the following we document images send to the website:

We forward the statement that was published in the blog Red Guards Los Angeles supporting the 23 and denouncing the sentences against them. There was also a statement recently published in the Red Guards Pittsburgh.

We share these impressions of solidary actions with the 23 activists convicted in Brazil from Norway:

Following the call of CEBRASPO several people gathered yesterday outside of the Mexican Consulate in southern Rio de Janeiro. Demanding the immediate presentation of Dr. Sernas (who was forcefully “disappeared” by the reaction in Mexico’s town of Oaxaca on the 10th of May) alive and well, a broad banner with the campaign slogan “Se vivo vocês o levaram, vivo nós o queremos!” (“Because alive he was taken, we want him alive!”) and the Hashtag “#DrSernasApresentaçãoComVida” (“#DrSernasPresentationWithLife”) was hoisted. Activists of the Revolutionary People's Student Movement (MEPR) and the People's Women's Movement (MFP) participated with flags and self-made signs.

The moves of the Armed Forces (FF.AA.) toward the step-by-step execution of a preventative counterrevolutionary military coup goes into many directions, but with the same goal.

On the one hand, they contribute to the militarization of South America, supporting the machinations and threats of the USA to the integrity of Venezuela. A concrete example was the undertaking of a war training operation in the Amazon jungle (Amazonlog) with the participation of Brazil, Peru, Colombia and USA and more “guests”, in November of last year.