
In another attack by so-called "Islamists" in the south of the Philippines, two members of the police forces were killed and two others were wounded.

Also last week there were mass struggles and armed actions in the Indian-occupied part of Kashmir.

During the weekend, protests against the economic misery of the people led to fierce fights between the masses and the security forces.

In Rio de Janeiro, around 5,000 people marched on Avenida Presidente Vargas on June 7. Despite the enormous oppressive apparatus mobilized, the demonstrators were not intimidated. The protest rejected the military police (PM), their warfare against the people in the favelas and their recent murders, such as that of the young João Pedro. They also rejected fascist Bolsonaro and General Hamilton Mourão with slogans such as "Get out of Bolsonaro and take Mourão with you!" and against fascism.

On Sunday, a manifestation gathered in support of the ongoing struggle in the USA and against racism in all countries. At the manifestation, a number of people showed up, standing with 2 meters between one another. When the manifestation was dissolved, the real protests of the day began.

During the weekend, the masses in Gellerupparken (a large proletarian neighborhood in Århus West) have reacted with revolutionary violence, after the police shot a man during an anti-fascist demonstration, because he threatened the fascist provocator Rasmus Paludan.

Here we publish a preliminary and unofficial translation "LCP denounces attacks of repression and propagates the peasant resistance in RO", published by A Nova Democracia.